Dentist in Ashburn | Tricks and Tips This Holloween

2017-10-19 3

Trick or Treat! Here are Tricks and Tips Get your child have a cavity-free Halloween smile.

1. Stay away from sticky and hard treats
Be selective. Choose candies that are not chewy or do not stick on the teeth. Instead of caramels or hard candies, give chocolates. They can be swallowed easily and don’t stick to teeth.
2. Limit time that sugar is in contact with teeth.

Encourage your child to eat treats on one sitting, drink a plenty of water, and brush his teeth well. Eat candies with meals to increase saliva production to cancel out acids produced by bacteria in your mouth.

3. Teach him to eat moderately.
You can set up candy bank to allow him to make candy withdrawals. Have them stay full when trick-or-treating to limit the urge to eat Halloween sweets.

4. Use fluoride to fight activities
Instead of flavored drinks, have them drink fluoridated water. Use toothpaste with fluoride when they brush.

Get your child and your family stay mouth healthy this Halloween and every day. Happy Halloween!

More questions? Call us today at (703) 726-8700 or (703) 726-9100 or visit our website and schedule your appointment.